Operation of automobile disks.
It will help, as it is possible to keep longer appearance of a disk, not having given possibility of a dirt and to small parts of a dust from erased brake to be absorbed in an external varnish coat on a disk surface.
2. Try to avoid mechanical damages of a disk:
Do not nestle at a parking on a border to a stone and do not clear a disk metal brushes, even from the interior of a disk. It leads to damage of a paint and varnish covering of a disk and its further oxidation.
3. Check pressure in tyres:
Too small pressure can result, both to tyre breakdown, and to damage of the disk and suspension bracket details.
Attention! Do not process a surface of a disk solvents, gasoline or other active chemical substances (for example a contactless sink), it can spoil enamel or the chromeplated surface of a disk.
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