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Aug 26, 2014

Growth made with IBM Cloud

Growth made with IBM Cloud
In the present day, market shifts are fast and unpredictable. Businesses need speed, economics and innovation to keep pace with change, and meet the demands of informed customers.
Build your business on the cloud
SoftLayer offers scale, innovation and cost-effectiveness

SoftLayer, an IBM company provides virtual and bare metal infrastructure with the scalability, control, performance, and global footprint that growing businesses require.. Know more >>

A different kind of data center
High performance gear. All services in all locations

We've filled our global data centers with first class computing, storage, and networking gear. Each location is built, outfitted, and operated the same, so you get the exact same capabilities and availability anywhere in our footprint... Know more >>

A network of networks.
Fast, resilient, and seamless around the world.

Our data centers are connected by the industry's most advanced network within a network, which integrates distinct public, private, and internal management networks to deliver lower total networking costs, better access, and higher speed. 2TBps between locations. Less than 40ms of latency into the private network from locations around the world... Know more >>


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