How can you ensure that your revenue-generating services get to market faster and at a higher quality than competitive offerings?
A Coleman Parkes Research showed that 36% of organizations found defects in new releases that had gone into production.
A voke Research report found that 51% of organizations experienced regular or frequent delays of application testing cycles due to unavailable dependencies.
Sounds familiar?
DevOps is undoubtedly the game-changer when it comes to accelerating development, enhancing software quality and reducing costs all at once and adoption of best practice application delivery methods is the key. The Executive Brief: Modern, High-Velocity Application Delivery, describes how an efficient collaboration between the development and IT operations teams can bring high-quality applications to market as quickly as possible. The brief shows how collaborative DevOps can be achieved through innovative technology tools which help to:
- Accelerate application development by removing constraints.
- Expedite release time.
- Improve application testing and quality.
Learn how leading organizations have reaped the benefits by adopting innovative application delivery tools:
Tech Mahindra reduces software development cycle times by 30%
I trust you will find value in these materials to help you deliver new applications and services for the business.
Shashank Pathak
Solution Director-DevOps & Application Delivery
CA Technologies
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