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Mar 14, 2016

Imagine Cup India 2016 - Dream It, Build It, Live It

Microsoft's premier student technology competition, Imagine Cup, returns for its 14th year with three big competitions: Games, Innovation and World Citizenship. You could win a trip to World Finals to compete in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., the home of Microsoft, for the coveted Imagine Cup trophy and $50,000.

Get your team together, learn about the competitions, and register now!

India National Finals 2016

The deadline for India National Finals, the competition to decide the one team which will represent India in front of Satya Nadella is fast approaching. You have time till March 20, 2016 to make your submission. Register now & start working on your idea.

You will have to submit a complete application with a source code, video demo to participate. If you get selected for the National Finals, you get a chance to earn fame, some cool gadgets & great friends along the way!

Interested? Learn more here or register for the India contest now!

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