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Jan 12, 2008

Operation of tyres.

1. New tyres are necessary for "running in":
At purchase of new tyres, for reception from them the maximum coupling properties, tyres need to be checked up.
Check lasts about 200-300 km, in a quiet mode. At check try to avoid sharp dispersals, turns and braking.
Especially important it at purchase of winter tyres as thorns after should "sit down" on the places and probability of their start considerably will decrease.

2. Protect tyres:
The durability of the tyre first of all depends on correctness of its operation. Service life of the same model of the tyre, but different conditions can fluctuate from 1st till 4th years. It is influenced by set of various factors such as: style of driving by the car, capacity of the engine of the car, quality of a road covering, a high-speed mode etc. At "sharp" driving and the big speeds, the tyre wears out much faster. (For example, for the speed of 120 km/h the tyre wears out twice faster, than for the speed of 60 km/h).
Especially it concerns winter tyres. These tyres are developed for maintenance of the maximum safety in severe winter conditions. Winter tyres are much softer than the summer. Special components which help the tyre to remain soft and elastic at negative temperatures are entered into structure of the winter tyre. Therefore those loadings which can easily sustain summer tyres, maintain winter tyres hardly and wear out thus faster.

3. Attentively and regularly examine tyres:
Attentively and regularly examine tyres or ask to examine tyres of masters at servicing deports or mounting.
Watch that on the gate there would be a cap, it protects a nipple from a dirt and a dust.
The extraneous subjects which are sticking out in the tyre, (nails or other sharp subjects) can break its tightness. Especially it is dangerous at movement when their start attracts behind itself sharp loss of pressure in the tyre.
Small cracks on a lateral surface of the tyre speak about ageing of the tyre and loss of its elasticity.
Bubbles on one side tyres (hernia) testify to irreversible infringement of an internal design of the tyre (breakage of reinforcing fibres).


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